Key Takeaways
1. CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of the cannabis plant.
2. CBD is non-psychoactive and has various positive properties.
3. CBD and THC are two components of cannabis that have significant therapeutic properties, but CBD does not produce a “high” feeling.
4. CBD can be derived from hemp plants, which have a low THC content, and is not classified as marijuana.
5. Hemp is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world and has a rich history of use in various industries.
6. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and its receptors, influencing various processes in the body.
CBD Definition: What is CBD?
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in the resinous flower of the cannabis plant, also known as hemp. While hemp has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, the therapeutic properties of CBD are now being extensively researched and partially confirmed by scientists and doctors worldwide. CBD is one of over 80 known cannabinoids that make cannabis unique and give the plant its robust therapeutic profile. It is considered safe and non-addictive, and CBD products are derived from hand-selected, EU-certified hemp flowers through various extraction methods, ensuring a THC content of less than 0.2%.
CBD is closely related to another important phytocannabinoid: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is well-known for causing a euphoric feeling or “high” and is commonly associated with recreational marijuana use. Both CBD and THC have significant therapeutic properties, but unlike THC, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects. The two compounds interact with the receptors in the human body in different ways. Many people seek the health benefits of cannabis without the intoxicating effects, which is made possible with CBD.
It is important to note that cannabis is often associated with the illegal drug in many parts of the world. However, cannabis formally refers to the genus of the hemp plant. While marijuana and hemp both come from the Cannabis Sativa plant, they are distinct from each other. Marijuana is selectively bred to have high levels of THC, while hemp is not altered and is used to produce thousands of everyday products. CBD, derived from hemp plants with a maximum THC content of 0.2% in the EU, cannot be classified as marijuana.
The History of the Hemp Plant
Hemp is the oldest cultivated plant in the world, with a history of over 10,000 years of human cultivation and use. It has been utilized for various purposes for approximately 5,000 years. From clothing production to medicinal treatments, hemp has played a vital role in human civilization. Ancient China, in particular, widely embraced hemp and was the first to produce paper from it. The evolution of humanity is closely intertwined with the history of hemp, with hemp being used to create the first sails, drafts of the American Declaration of Independence, and Levi Strauss’ first jeans.
Despite its historical significance, hemp faced a decline in the 20th century, as synthetic fibers and cotton took over various industries. Additionally, a global propaganda campaign led to the near-universal prohibition of hemp. However, in recent years, hemp has experienced a resurgence. It is now used in an increasing number of products, such as clothing, food, and cosmetics. Moreover, hemp and CBD play important roles in the field of medicine, with CBD offering potential benefits for various conditions, including epilepsy, ADHD, depression, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
It is worth noting that hemp is cultivated worldwide, with the main cultivation areas being regions with subtropical climates. High-quality CBD is often sourced from controlled cultivation in Europe. The hemp plant is resilient and undemanding, allowing farmers to grow it without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
The Mechanism of CBD: How Does Cannabidiol Work?
CBD belongs to a group of natural substances known as cannabinoids, which interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system and its receptors. The body can produce its own cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids, which regulate various processes in almost all of our organs. While the CB1 receptors, particularly abundant in the brain, control the transmission of stimuli and muscle contractions, CBD acts on these receptors in a variety of ways in the human or animal body.
Wie funktioniert die Wirkungsweise des CBD?
Um die Wirkungsweise im Körper zu verstehen, ist es hilfreich, sich am menschlichen Endocannabinoid-System zu orientieren. Unterschiedliche Forschungsergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass CBD und das menschliche Endocannabinoid-System positiv miteinander reagieren.
Der menschliche Körper ist in der Lage bestimmte Cannabinoide eigenständig zu produzieren. Zudem verfügt der menschliche Körper über zwei Rezeptoren, die mit Cannabinoiden interagieren. Die CB1-Rezeptoren im Gehirn beschäftigen sich mit Koordination, Bewegung, Schmerzen, Emotionen, Stimmung, Denken, Appetit sowie Erinnerung. THC verbindet sich auf direkte Weise mit diesen Rezeptoren. CB2-Rezeptoren findet man dagegen häufiger im Immunsystem. Sie wirken sich auf Entzündungen und Schmerzen aus. Alle Cannabinoide, einschließlich CBD, können auf natürliche Weise an bestimmten Cannabinoid-Rezeptoren im Körper andocken, um ihre Wirkung zu erzeugen.
Darüber hinaus ist das CBD auch an der Aufrechterhaltung des körpereigenen Cannabinoid Anandamid beteiligt.
Bis heute ist allerdings nicht vollständig geklärt, ob das Cannabidiol direkt auf die Rezeptoren einwirkt oder ob es dagegen die körpereigene Cannabinoid Produktion beeinflusst. In diesem Bereich müssen daher weitere wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse erzeugt werden, um die vollständige Nutzung des CBD im Körper zu verstehen.
Wie wirkt CBD im menschlichen Körper?
Laut Studien beeinflusst CBD unter anderem den Cannabinoid-Rezeptor 1 (auch CNR1 oder CB1-Rezeptor), zwei Vanilloid-Rezeptoren, den Glycinrezeptor und den 5-HT1A-Rezeptor. Außerdem wirkt CBD auf die Signalgebung von Adenosin und hat antioxidative Eigenschaften. In diesem Kapitel stellen wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Wirkungsweisen vor:
- CBD und der CB1-Rezeptor
CBD interagiert mit dem CB1-Rezeptor im Endocannabinoidsystem – und kann so unter anderem den Nebenwirkungen von THC entgegenwirken. Außerdem kann CBD die Bildung und die Aufnahme des Endocannabinoids Anandamid in die Körperzellen hemmen, was paradoxerweise zu einem Anstieg von Anandamid führt.
- CBD und die Vanilloid-Rezeptoren
CBD stimuliert die Vanilloid-Rezeptoren Typ1 und Typ2. Außerdem kann CBD beim Vanilloid-Rezeptor 2 zur Entstehung einer Autophagie (Form der Zellzerstörung) beitragen. Tierversuche mit Mäusen zeigen außerdem, dass CBD entzündliche und neuropathische Schmerzen lindern kann, indem es mit den Glycinrezeptoren interagiert. Das mindert die Erregbarkeit der Nervenzellen und reduziert Schmerzen.
- CBD und Adenosin
Adenosin blockiert unter anderem die Ausschüttung von Neurotransmittern wie Dopamin und Noradrenalin. Außerdem weitet Adenosin die Blutgef
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects and offers various potential therapeutic benefits. The history of hemp as one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world is closely intertwined with human civilization. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, influencing a wide range of processes. As research continues, CBD holds promise as a versatile and valuable substance with potential benefits for numerous health conditions.
It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD products, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medications.